Cave Dwellings

Buckhorn Creek, Lake O' The Pines, Jefferson, TX

Thursday, February 11, 2010


    What a crummy day we had yesterday…It would rain hard, then quit, then rain again. This went on a good share of the day until about 4PM…and the sun poked it’s nose out in the Western horizon.  I first noticed the mountains behind us were picking up some rebounding rays….

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(you can click on any picture to enlarge…)

….and looking to the West, things were beginning to look promising for another great sunset.  The clouds were hanging low over the mountains…I was beginning to get pretty excited about what would happen when Sol actually took his dive beneath the mountains……

100_5256 I kept my camera poised by my chair…With the sunsets ,if ya snooze, ya lose, it happens so fast. About 6:15 PM we were rewarded by one of the best yet….As usual I took waaaay too many photos…and I love them all..

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I thought the sun was pretty much gone after this last photo….but little did  I know there would be a couple more to take…




Too many, I know…I just couldn’t resist the magical clouds….

   This morning we rolled out of be about 7:20AM.  I had looked out my bedroom window in the middle of the night and the stars were so brilliant. This clear night could be the reason it got down to 38 degrees. I turned on the coffee and opened up the shades to some much wanted sunshine. Today was yet another exciting trip to Olsen’s Marketplace for our weekly groceries. I was looking forward to the cheap ribeye steaks and Dennis needed to check the beer sales.

  We decided to take our walk around the campground before we headed into Aho. The sun was shining on one of the distant mountains behind us…


I started my walk with a light sweater and soon shed that..this sun down here has so much heat, it doesn’t take long to work up a sweat when walking.

The RV park was not very full today. We had our view back behind our camper..In fact, I took the last two pictures from inside our camper out of our back window. I really didn’t want to creep outside in my jammies again. I think they turned out pretty good,considering our windows had been rained on yesterday.I keep hoping this rain will wake up the desert cactus flowers. I know the Barrel Cactus get much more red than they are right now. This one reminds me of a pineapple…Those pinkish fronds on the sides can get a bit more red, I think…


About 9:30, we headed into Ajo. I needed to make a Dollar Store run ..and then it was on to the grocery store. This place is like a zoo on Thursday mornings.  They have a one day sale every Thursday, and it is like shopping cart wars trying to find what you’re looking for. I usually head in one direction and send Den in another…to check out the beer aisle.

  They have a nice deli where they sell fresh meats and cheese along with some breakfast burritos and fried chicken. We noticed in their ad that tomorrow’s special was fish and fries…I am soooooo hungry for fried fish!! This means we will make another trip to town tomorrow to pick up dinner…

We got back to our camper and unloaded our bounty. I entertained thoughts of cleaning the camper this afternoon, but the sunshine outside convinced me otherwise. Our lunch was 2 more of the homemade tamales that we bought from the guy who sells them here at the campground. He also sells fish and shrimp on occasion. Today we topped the tamales off with the fresh Salsa we purchased while grocery shopping…We got the HOT and it was HOT!!!

When walking this morning we were stopped by a gentleman..He said,”Are you two Cave Dwellings??”. We said yes, and Den asked if his name was Mattoon, and it was.  John & Pat Mattoon are friends of a fellow blogger of The Bayfield Bunch,  Al and his wife Kelly. We stood and visited with him quite a while..He knows we have a blog, so he knew very well I was going to take a photo…

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He and his wife are from New Mexico and have been here a while. We will run into them both again, I’m sure…You can see from the pictures what a beautiful day it was today. Right behind our camper is the trail into the desert that we take…

100_5280 We try to get off the trail as soon as possible and strike out on our own…But I thought this shot of the trail was pretty neat. We need to get back out there soon….I love it!!

We had a pretty uneventful day today…just hangin’ out after a run into Ajo…We did get about 8 rigs who all pulled in together about 1PM..Ray was running around like a waterspider, helping them all get parked . They were apparently traveling together and it is pretty hard to keep everyone in the party close to each other. We lost our view AGAIN in the process..Oh, well.

I have rambled on about nada today….hope you didn’t fall asleep and hit your head on your keyboard. Tonight’s dinner is a cardboard pizza…and tomorrow is fish and fries…thanks to Olsen’s Deli…I cannot wait!! Thanks again for playing…more tomorrow!!(I’ll try to get the creativity level up a notch..)


  1. We love reading your blog..sounds like you two have such a good time together...the pictures are always great...keep having fun hope to meet up someday..

  2. Nice that you got to meet John & Pat. They have been coming to Hickiwan every year for quite awhile I think. We just had an email from them a couple days ago. Nice folks & we met them in Alamagordo on our way west last October.
