No, I do NOT mean the Hiker.. I mean myself falling off the last step of the Hiker…Here is the short version:
--We got set up at Goose Island in an unlevel site. Needed to pull it up on blocks on RV door side.
--McGyver puts 2 wood pieces after the last step to help me, (since I have really short legs)…but it’s still quite a step at to the ground. (bad omen)
-- I go to dump out some yukky dishwater last night after dark….forgetting the big step off…
--I do a great half gainer followed by a perfect 6 point landing..feet being the first to hit (painful, especially my bad foot), knees next(more pain) , and finally hands(no pain, just mud)…
--My “ensemble” was dripping dishwater and mud, and after looking to see if anyone witnessed this maneuver, I pulled myself together and sat on said steps wondering if I had broken both feet (it sure felt like it).
--Enter McGyver at the door, looking to see why I was taking so long outside. “What the Hell happened?”
Well, Dennis helped me inside. I could walk , and McGyver held on. I figured if I HAD broken anything, walking wouldn’t have been possible. I assessed the pain in both feet, took 3 Ibuprofen, and went to my recliner. I’m really good at hobbling around after my foot surgery last Spring, so I fell right back to it very easily. This morning,after doing my “old lady” walk out of the bedroom, I put my good “walking shoes” on (yeah, right….)..and when McGyver went for his 2 mile walk, I jumped on hobbled over to my bike , knowing darn well from past experience, the walking will have to wait a while.
I got some really neat photos on my bike ride this AM….
Deer…(see, that wasn’t hard)… ….Great Egret???? ( I am thinking)…
….Great Blue Heron?? Snowy Egret???? (now, I am faking it)
Northern Pintail???….. (I cheated, McGyver told me) Got this one…two….ducks??
A Mystery bird…Looks like Father Time to me..(having a bad hair day!)
He was far away on some wooded snarl…..just watching me.
This bird was very big..and there were lots of them early this AM…After diving back into the Bird Book, I’m saying this is a Black Crowned Night Heron..and if he isn’t, he is probably wishing he was…Hey, I just NOW got my Jr.Bird Nerd badge!!!
According to this sign on the above boardwalk, the Goose Island marsh restoration has now attracted one pair of the rare Whooping Cranes..They weren’t here 3 years ago when we were last here, but did hang out South of here at Aransass Pass.. Since they have really been enlarging the wetlands and marshes here at the park they have a pair now …and…..Now that I know there are a couple of Whoopers that just moved into the area, I will make it my mission to meet them, and take them over some dead fish brownies.
I want to welcome old/new followers, Barb and Jim Otto. Barb has been following our blog since the beginning , 3 years ago..but she didn’t know how to actually “FOLLOW” officially until now…Barb and Jim are some of our best friends back in Sandwich, and Barb is the one who takes care of our mail…OK…those of you already “in the GMC”, don’t go saying we are playing favorites if we let Barb and Jim sit by the window next time..and Kenny and Angela, ya gotta move your beer over..Jim wants to bring his beer along too!!
WOW, that was lots of photos for my first blog here…Sorry to those who are not into birds…GET OVER IT
“Pirates do not cry, except in the case of the loss of a shipload of rum.” ~ a Pirate