Cave Dwellings: This is why I am thankful..
Cave Dwellings

Buckhorn Creek, Lake O' The Pines, Jefferson, TX

Sunday, November 18, 2012

This is why I am thankful..

We had a great family gathering this weekend at the Cave Homestead (as our son calls it)…Here are a few pics of the controlled insanity…

2012-11-17 07.59.422012-11-17 10.32.37

Left is our “Bloody Mary Bar”…it was well used.. Right is the antipasto buffet. I think I did myself proud on this..Move over Martha Stewart, Dementia Donna is right on your designer coat tails…

2012-11-17 16.45.282012-11-17 14.14.532012-11-17 13.47.37

Uncle Jr. and Aunt Jeanette were able to come down and spend some time with the family…I ask you…Does that lady in orange look 97 years old???Check out the stretch pants and Cowboy boots…and Uncle Jr.’s shirt color matched her outfit…Our Aunt Neenie stopped over to see her brother, Jr.

2012-11-17 12.07.032012-11-17 12.07.282012-11-17 11.12.10

Terrie and Detective Tim..   John Wolff and his wife and our daughter, Chris.  The Heiser and Wolff grandkids…..

2012-11-17 12.13.472012-11-17 12.09.00

Our beautiful and elegant daughters….. Ah, yes,this is more like it…Wherever do they get that craziness fromNyah-Nyah??

2012-11-17 15.05.422012-11-17 16.22.402012-11-17 16.22.54

2012-11-17 08.17.022012-11-17 16.44.582012-11-17 12.08.17

Above is Maddox Wolff……and brother , Aiden…Third pic is Campbell Heiser..very handsome young men, eh?

2012-11-17 10.05.58

Check out that glass with the moose on it…it says “Moose Drool”..We got that at a bar in Montana many moons ago…I remember the beverage being a very strange brew of beer..but I DO remember!

As you can see, we had another fine day here at the Cave Dwellings…We were especially excited to have Uncle Jr. and Aunt Jeanette show up..Dennis drove our Ol’ Blue pick up to their house in Montgomery and picked them up at 11AM, driving them back here in their Cadillac. (Neither one can get up into either of our trucks.) I drove them home about 6PM.  (I was the designated driver, which is HIGHLY unusual…No drinking until after the “gobble surgery”)…Terrie rode with me to help get them safe and soundly into their house, as both are pretty wobbly…Let’s just say that driving their Caddy up was a much more comfortable ride than the ride back…It was a harrowing ride home from their house.  The parking brake light stayed on the whole time, and it WASN’T ON!!! . …So Ter and I decided that Ol’ Blue,  which looks and smells like a train wreck, was similar to a ride at an amusement park…Ol’ Blue also requires someone who knows how to drive a 5 speed stick on the floor…That would be moi.  But this is no easy task after the trouble I have had with my feet!…We felt like Thelma and Louise, and laughed most of the way  home…Thanks, Ter, for the comic relief!

OK, countdown is 1 day…I am STOKED!!..There is only one thing I really don’t like and that is NO IBUPROFEN!…..I have terrible sinus headaches and Motrin or generic Ibuprofen is my drug of choice…but until after the surgery, I can only take Tylenol…and that just doesn’t cut it… I have had a chronic headache from Hell today ( no, not a hangover) , and am really looking forward to being “put out” Tuesday…Thanks for reading, and I’ll see ya “on the other side”!!


  1. I would be pround to be part of the Cave clan if you all would have me...

    1. We would be proud to have both of you....just don't behave.

  2. Family fun is the bestest type of fun! Tuesday is a wonderful day for both of us. After being fulltimers for 18 weeks and seemingly fulltiming in place, John has been cleared by all docs and we actiually get to travel! Westward Ho!

    1. Yahoo!!!! What a great day, yeah?? I will be thinking of you two as I dose off into LaLa Land!!!

  3. great Cave-a-palooza as always!..good luck on Tuesday! we will all be thinking of you!

  4. Good Luck with the procedure and thanks for a good chuckle everytime we read your blog - kinda sounds like this household!!!

    1. Thanks, you two....I guess that's how I survive...don't take anything too seriously or it will get ya down, right??

  5. Donna I am a 50 year old orphan in Ottawa...would you please adopt me too! I will be sending good thoughts for you on Tuesday!

    1. We live at 518 W. Center St. in Sandwich, Jeff..You are welcome to stop by anytime!!!

  6. You have a beautiful, wonderful family, Donna! Good luck with the surgery - can't wait to see the 'new you' in photos afterwards!

  7. Having been to the Cave on Center St weknow what a fun place it is, and most crazy people like us would fit right in.Good luck on your procedure, Donna, have Denny let us know when you are done with it how it went. We'll be thinking of you. Let me know if you need a nurse. Sam & Donna.

  8. a wonderful gathering do have a beautiful family..and NO she does not look 97 wowsers...good luck with the surgery thinking of you!!!

  9. Sending well wishes for Tuesday and a great Thanksgiving week :-)
