Cave Dwellings: Sunny, Lazy Daze Here At Lake Georgetown…
Cave Dwellings

Buckhorn Creek, Lake O' The Pines, Jefferson, TX

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sunny, Lazy Daze Here At Lake Georgetown…

These past few days have been carbon copies…Peeking out the bedroom window, we see a few clouds over the lake, turning to sunshine by 9AM…McGyver and I are becoming lazy butts, not prying our old bodies from bed until about 7:30AM…Back home we are almost always awake by 6AM and out of bed shortly after…Of course, that is probably because of the 2 huge double windows with no shades in our upstairs bedroom, and the continuous sounds of Burlington Northern blasting through our backyard.  It is slowly beginnning to occur to me just how much I enjoy these quiet camping mornings.. and how much I dread the “parade” of train horns back home…I shall be transformed from “Holly Golightly” to “The Exorcist” in a few weeksVampire bat. I really need to try an attitude adjustment, but it’s hard to do when you can’t hear your TV, or talk on the telephone..Heck, I can’t even hear myself THINK!…oh well.
Like I said, the weather has been 70’s and sunny.  I have been sunning myself daily, contributing to the reason my skin looks  like a worn saddle…But I sure do love the sunshine!!  McGyver has been lighting a campfire every evening, and we have been listening to our repertoire of I-tunes through our surround sound.  (Making sure we don’t scare our neighbors with Aerosmith, The Stones, Uncle Cracker, Van Morrison and Meatloaf…Note!!
I have my bird feeders hung up and am getting a few Sparrows, a Titmouse or two, and some Chickadees.  I have heard some Wrens (you can’t miss their songs), and also Mockingbirds, who copy every noise including barking dogs..They need to get their OWN act and take it on the road…

We have been walking (sometimes I ride my bike instead) the roads and one of them takes us down by the dam.  This lake is down at least 15 ft. from the drought this year…I’m really glad to have my bike…but even on my trusty old lady bike, this terrain is lots of uphill and very few downhills…Makes for great cardio, but pumping up the hills is a little rough on the bad feet!

I love the twisty Cedar trees here, all knarly…The campground across the lake is vacant for some reason, but ours is filling up fast this weekend.  Tomorrow we are going into Historical Old Georgetown and do some sightseeing.  The “tour” will be followed by a stop at the local VFW to see if they will let us in for a beer and wine….They did 3 years ago when we were here last…But, if the local authorities give them “heads up to my law breaking activities this winter here in Texas.  If that word has gotten out,  we could be turned away at the door.!
You can see how far the lake is down behind those fisherman…The right hand photo is looking North down the cliff side from our camper…

The photo at right was taken from approximately the same place I took the header photo…except in the daylight….What a sunset we had that evening!! I want you to know that I used NO Picasa enhancements for that sunset photo…
I actually took a total of 5 photos of that sunset, and as it turns out, the very first photo I took was the best…but there really wasn’t a bad one in the bunch…Dumb luck!!

OK, so this has been a rather “dry” blog…Den and I have pretty much been vegging out here in the sunshine…Tomorrow we are going to be busy and I will be channeling history from the Georgetown Square and County Courthouse…. Get your pens and paper ready so you can take notes on the history lesson, and please try to limit the potty stops to ONE!!…Also…please refrain from yawning, burp noises, rude comments and fart sounds…THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK THAT’S FUNNY, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE…AND SO DO I!!…THERE COULD BE A QUIZ!!!!
"It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream."
                                             ~ Bern Williams


  1. Can't believe the sound of KL5-A 5 chime horns under about 100psi of air pressure aren't music to your ears, they are specifically tunes to sound pleasing you know.I have a set of 3 chime horns in the garage off and scrapped Sante Fe passenger diesel that I used for years to call the kid's in from playing for dinner. Hey you guys think about stopping at the ranch on your way home for a couple days, I can show you an easy route from Memphis that will be all interstate and take you within a mile Of the Ranch then when you leave is is only 19 mile into Illinois to I-55 north. Let us know we would love to have you guys stop.. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

  2. If your going to start giving pop test I better start paying attention.

  3. After so many years in education, I refuse to take a quiz! :P And, I'm going to bring my whoopee cushion along...I still have one, don't cha know...and my miniature marshmallow gun. Ha Ha Teach!

  4. I wasn't in Alternative Education for nothing you know. :)

  5. Don't recall noise being a big deal until we started RVing years ago. I think it has been our boon docking ways in the quiet deserts over the years that has sensitized me to the noise of society. Until one has been away from the noise one doesn't realize the noise they surround themselves with & live in. And this coming from an old rocker & ZZ Top fan who always enjoyed the volumes...maxed!!

  6. Great sunset photo! I just love to see all the sunshine during the winter. It sure beats the grey rainy days and snow we've been having. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Beautiful sunset photo. Do you ever think about moving away from the train tracks?

  8. glad to hear that you are working on your 'tan lines'
    ...finally some sunshine!!!..enjoy the weekend!!...hope you have a few happy hours!!

  9. The park on the other side of the lake is Jim Hogg COE park.It is temporarily closed to update wiring from 30a to 50a.Cedar Breaks COE was updated last year.........Lloyd

  10. Looks like a nice spot. I've got my pen and paper ready for the big test tomorrow - don't make it too hard.

  11. butterbean carpenterMarch 4, 2012 at 3:44 PM

    Howdy D&D,
    If you go back to the VFW, tell'em
    you are friends of Vic Pierson's;
    he's the head honcho at one of the VFWs down there and lives at SUN CITY; he's a really good friend of ours and a swell fellow.. His wife Marian would make you a running-buddy! Well, she used to could run! Ran marathons!!
    All of 'our' lakes & tanks(ponds)
    looked like your pics until a couple of weeks ago.. The small ones filled up; the others look
    somewhat fuller than your pics!!
    Joyce & butterbean carpenter
