I took a bike ride a day or two ago and went to the butterfly garden. Yes, they have planted a butterfly garden up just in front of the Rec Hall. There were quite a few of them on the flowers, but they were all the same one or two kinds...Here is a photo I took..

I have no idea what kind, but I do know it isn't a Monarch.
More flowers are popping our down here. Here are some right in our "backyard"..so pretty...We also have some new ant hills that popped out in the last few days..Here are what I call the "red-headed" ants...and the DO have red heads..They are really nasty and I stay far away from them..
I took a photo looking down the road that goes around the campground...All those yellow flowers are Black Brush...

They were only bare little bushes when we pulled in here Jan 4th..what a difference!!
You may remember me talking about Harald (originally from Germany) and Judy from Minnesota..here is Harald hanging out the window of their motorhome

Here is a tree in our campsite that just popped out with these "willowy" leaves recently

...I love this tree, wish I knew what kind it is...Harald would know...he knows every tree, flower, butterfly and bird in this park. Speaking of Harald and Judy, when they visited us the other day they were a wealth of information..Apparently last Tuesday, the US government closed, yes I did say CLOSED, the borders at Reynosa and Matamoros..Apparently there was a gunfight in Reynosa between the military and the drug cartels, and 10 people were killed. This definitely makes crossing into Mexico less attractive. Also, Harald said that they issued a warning to all U.S. citizens to stay out of Mexican border towns...I was a little skeptical so I researched it on the "Valley" online newspapers, and they were right on..One of the Mexican newspapers online even had a video taken of a Mexican reporter..I couldn't understand a word he was saying, but he was lying on his stomach in the middle of the road, reporting "live"..and I DEFINITELY understood the sound of machine gun fire going on over his head...It looked like he was reporting from Iraq..but this, my friends, was just across our U.S. border!! Even up here at the park they are having more trouble with illegals sneaking in, stealing...all that good kind of stuff. I hate to see it...we like this place, but it, also, is becoming less attractive. This drug war is very real..and they bring the drugs in from Columbia, through Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Calif. and right on to all our states. I hate to leave the weather and "springtime" blooms, but I feel just a tad too close to the border and am ready to head North. I do remember that the route we take ALWAYS has a border patrol checkpoint. Here, everyone has to pull over, and they ask questions of everyone in the vehicle...your citizenship,why you are in Texas, how long you will be here..etc.. and while you are busy answering the questions, another border patrol has the drug sniffing dog going all around your vehicle and RV.....enough said.
I would like this last blog from Falcon Lake to end on a POSITIVE about this park...the beautiful flora and fauna we see every day and take it for granted..Here is yet another of the latest new blooms in our "yard".

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