This park has 4 miles of walking trails throughout the brush and we took one of them a few days ago...You can see the blooming Yucca ahead along the trail, not the tall one in shorts, the pretty one on the left.....

On our walk we came across this bush with little rose colored berries...As you can see, my tour guide had absolutely NO idea what it was!

Yesterday was really foggy here. When we took our walk we saw thousands of spider webs that were adorned with "diamond" misty drops of moisture (as was my hair)..As soon as we got back from our walk I grabbed the camera, jumped on my bike, and rode off to see if I could capture any in a photo before the wind came up and they all "disappeared"...as you can see, it was worth the trip..

I added this photo I took that same morning to illustrate how foggy and misty it was..

This particular campsite is the one that had the boat stolen...the "empty" spot in front of their camper is where their boat use to be...This couple is still here...they lost all fish poles, 12 tackle boxes, life jackets..not to mention their boat, and still have heard no news on it's whereabouts..and probably never will...
Well,this has been a blog of photos, so it seems. We are actually having an all day drizzle today..our first real rain since we left home in November. Next Tuesday, the 24th, we will leave here(big sigh of relief, I'm sure, to those of you who are sick of bird and flower photos). We go to Goose Island State Park at Rockport, just North of Corpus Christi. We will be there until 10th of March..just in time to experience "Oysterfest" on the ocean...I can't wait.
I have one more photo to share..If you are sick of flora and fauna, just quit reading right now...For anyone still with me, here is a nest of a Cactus Wren..Ahhh, yes....tis Spring in the desert!!!!

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