Harald said,"What, you haven't heard??"..Hell no,.. we do our walk and live in our own little "world of birds and sunshine in our "backyard". We did, however, notice a much escalated presence of Border Patrol in the park this last weekend. They were everywhere..even on walking patrol...but hey, we ARE on the border. Harald then filled us in...Let me preface this with saying that every Thursday nite they have "music nite" at the Rec Hall. If you like to sing, play an instrument or just want to listen, you can go up at 6PM and join in or watch..Obviously Den and I have nothing to offer in the way of music, so we stay here with our evening cocktail and sit outside, prefering to listen to our I-Tunes.. Anyway, apparently SOMEBODYknew the weekly routine and exactly what couples went to "music nite", because one of the musical couples had their boat stolen right out of their campsite on said nite (did I just sound like a cop??) Someone with a pick up truck proceeded to back up to their boat, hook on, and drive it away in broad daylite...presumeably across the bridge into Mexico. Now THAT is excitement...and a little scary.
Den was remembering exactly what we were doing on that evening and we DO remember sitting by our campfire about 6:30PM and hearing a truck apparently pulling a boat (you can tell by the sound) roaring up the road just across the brush and trees from our camper. Den even commented .."Gees (not his exact word), somebody is really flying up that road!!"..Do ya think this could have been our thieving crooks??? we do...It takes a lot of balls to steal someone's boat right out of his campsite in broad daylight....and no one saw them!! Everyone around their campsite was at the "music night" with the exception of one lady..and wouldn't you know that she is deaf??. They are pretty sure it was someone who zoomed right across the bridge just down the road and right across the border into Mexico...good bye boat..and all the fishing poles, motor, life jackets, tackle, etc. etc...Did I mention that the couple this happened to was from Illinois, and we have seen them down here every winter...enough said. However, I didn't sleep real good last night. I kept hearing bird sounds, and my brain told me it was illegals giving signals so they could steal my Schwinn..Dennis just laughs at me...go figure.
Here are a few photos we took lately here...Here I am at morning coffee...

This next one I took as "evidence"...of some animal in our campsite at night...I first thought raccoon, but Den, the great tracker, says some kind of cat..There were footprints on our little table one night and on our truck recently. Keep in mind there are no "pet cats" running wild down here..what do you think, Tonto????

We have a guy right next to us, name of Don, who first came to Falcon State Park in 1965.. No one knows his exact age, but he is not spring chicken..He drives a van, which he also sleeps in,(and it is not a conversion van!) He then sets up a camoflage tent to set up a tripod camera sticking out the other side..so he can sneak up on the birds..I don't think he has a wife..I wonder why.... Here is Don's little "camera" tent...

And, last but not least, our little friends the Altimira Orioles, who are very vain...they see themselves in the back window of the truck across from us....

Well, enough of the birds for now...We will leave here on Feb 24th and head up toward Corpus Christi to Goose Island State Park for 2 weeks..so you won't have to put up with too many more bird pictures from here...Tomorrow is our grocery day, which is exciting cause I get to put on lipstick and blush and "go to town"...I will blog more later...maybe we will get more excitement...it doesn't take much down here....
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