Cave Dwellings: A visitor stops by..with a band!
Cave Dwellings

Buckhorn Creek, Lake O' The Pines, Jefferson, TX

Saturday, June 29, 2013

A visitor stops by..with a band!

  This last week the Cave Dwellings has had a strange new visitor “hanging around” the house.  Actually, he prefers our front roof, and is not bothered by me peering out our upstairs window and snapping his picture…



Now, this dude has a face only a mother could love…This face sort of reminded me of the Turkey Vultures that follow Dennis and me on all our walks (waiting for one of us to become carrion, no doubt.)…I do believe this little guy/gal (no ribbons or lip beakstick) is a homing pigeon…right?? He comes complete with 2 bands and a feathered ensemble…

This pigeon was here for about 4 days while our Indiana grandkids were here…He stayed mostly up in one corner of the overhang on our roof…Then, just as fast as he appeared, POOF!, he disappeared…I guess this wasn’t “home” to him…and I wish him well on his journey. I was beginning to feel very much like Harry Potter,who had an owl that delivered his mail.





Things have been pretty busy these days…We have been taking Aunt Jeanette up to the Alden Rehab to visit Uncle Jr.  He is taking physical therapy there and will be living there at least 20 days, and no more than 100…

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Uncle Jr is the one to Jeanette’s right in the wheelchair.  The other gentleman in the wheelchair is his roommate.  You know, we can learn so much from the elder populace if we just take the time to listen…Uncle Jr.’s roommate worked for Shell Oil and helped develop the fuel for the planes used in WWII…Notice how Jeanette and I took over Uncle Jr.’s bed with our suitcase size purses???..and just for the record, Jeanette doesn’t look her 97 years!

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When we took Jeanette  home that day, she decided she wanted her rotary dial telephone put back up..We had gotten a touch pad phone for Uncle Jr. because he wanted one, but now that he wasn’t around, she chose to go back to the old phone.  It is much easier for her to pick up due to numbness in her fingers…Above is MacGyver, re-hooking the old one…How did we ever use those darn things??

Last weekend we went to our nephew’s daughter’s graduation party in Spring Grove, almost to the Wisconsin border..They have a lovely home and we had a great time..

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Left is the graduate, Jordan..Middle is our nephew (her Dad) Mark…and as you can see, they have a lovely home and pool.

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They just remodeled their family room and put in hardwood floors…and he bought his wife a new Mercedes…(in my dreams)…

  I have been fighting the squirrels on a regular basis  here…


…they insist upon getting into my suet feeder that I just hung up….But, I do have a remedy for this…


OK,OK!! THIS IS JUST A JOKE!!! PLEASE DON’T SEND ME HATE MAIL FOR CRUELTY TO SQUIRRELS!! My Ya Ya Mary gave this to me as a joke and I hung it on our deck as an example of what just may happen if they insist on their evil waysSarcastic smile!

So….You all know about my reputation for my outrageous ensembles in the evening…


….However…I can clean up every once in a while…….

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  1. Hmm...I'm thinking I ALMOST miss the lighthouses. ;) If you get a chance, check out my post from tonight. There's a challenge in it just for you!

    As for the racing pigeon, he may not be long for this world. Racers don't take kindly to pigeons that dawdle on their way home. :(

  2. hmmmmmm that looks like one of the NSA's birds, why would they be keeping an eye on you two?

  3. I think he's a spy for Victoria Secret

  4. WOW! To look that good at 97! (For that matter to even LIVE to 97)

    Rotary phones - lots of youngum's have never even seen one.

  5. I can't get over how young Jeanette looks. No one would believe she's 97.

    Rotary phones? Haven't seen one of those in years. I'm surprised they still work in today's digital world.

    Sure is a beautiful home your nephew has.

  6. I have no idea anymore how to hook up a rotary phone. When we lived in Ohio, I really got in to the battle of wits with the squirrels:)

  7. There's no way Jeanette looks 97. Wow, I can only hope. Love that squirrel No summer trips with the fiver?

  8. No....We are pretty much locked in..maybe all , we will be following you...

  9. The squirrel plaque is funny! Great post!
