We arrived here at Goose Island State Park about 12:45PM..we left Falcon Lake at 7:45 AM after dumping our tanks...more info than you needed. The drive was good, weather sunny and 58 degrees. We drove through alot of low scrub, which turned into cattle ranches and soon palm trees.

Corpus Christi is mostly refinerys all around, but the drive over the big bridge is always neat to me...when you drive over the it, you look right down on the USS Lexington, which has been dry docked now and you can take a tour of it. The "Lady Lex", as they call her, is an aircraft carrier which saw alot of action in the South Pacific during WWII, and is the same one Den's Uncle Junior Bark served on in the Navy during that time..Last year we toured it, and it was fabulous!
We followed the directions given by the magic voice on our new TomTom GPS. We got this from our son, Kelly, and his wife, Cindy for Christmas this year...and believe it or not.. we managed to get LOST just before coming across the bridge..I think we missed the turn to stay on I-35 which gets you across the bridge..somehow. But here is the coolest thing. You know the little man in the box giving directions?? Well, somehow, he knows you screwed up and he redirects you on how you can get back on track. This is really handy when you are pulling a 30 foot 5th wheel through downtown Corpus. On the plus side of this mishap was the fact that we got to see Corpus Christi Oceanfront Boulevard.

We also lucked out when we got here. This park has two distinct camping sections..One amongst alot of Live Oak Trees, which makes it hard to set up your satellite dishes and one out on the bayfront. When we called to make our reservations a couple weeks ago, they said they had no camping spots on the bay, so we booked in the section in the trees. When we arrived we figured we may as well ask if there were any spots open on the bay for 2 weeks..and....sure enough, we got a spot. We are right on Copano Bay, which means beautiful sunsets and a great view out our back window. I already took a few pictures to put on our blog so you can see how neat it is...I will write more later...
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