Here is our little "home away from home", on a sunny day....

I must post one more wildlife photo...I know you are very excited about seeing this Red-Headed Woodpecker who was on the tree next to us everyday..

He did get into our bird feeder, but he didn't quite get the "perching" thing very well. His ass always was hanging down under the feeder..I found it very funny..you really had to be there, and I wish you had been, we would have had a wine around the campfire....
I can't close without a few photos of our rough life we have here..Here is Den just as busy as a beaver, as you can see..

..And here I am thinking of all I have to do....like...well, like mix another Rum and Coke...and by the way, notice my lovely campfire attire..

...OK, I just couldn't resist!!!! Pay special attention to my Tweety Bird sleep pants, turquoise sox and matching???moose nightshirt...I think I should create a new line of loungewear called "Campfire Casual"..or maybe "Campfire Catastrophes"..I'm sure our friends from Minnesota, Wayne and Ronae would approve!
I don't know if I am ready for cold weather. I hope y'all did a warm weather "dance", cause I don't want to have to dig out my sweats!!! I'm not sure if I will blog from Indianapolis..we may not set up the satellite computer dish..
Tuesday night we will be at a state park North of Little Rock Arkansas and Wednesday night we will stay at Rend Lake in Southern Illinois..which will put us at Indianapolis Thursday about 1PM (we lose an hour in Indy). I can't wait to get my hands on our newest grandson who we haven't seen since he was 3 weeks old...and now he is 6 months old!!!! We will stay in Indy 4 nights and be home Monday, April 27th probably by noon... More later....maybe!..and if I do another blog, you will get to meet my new grandson!!!! Thanks for riding along with us this winter...you gave me a reason to document our trip...and become an amateur blogger!! Donna
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