A guy pulled in next to us. He didn't have a camper or tent, just a boat, food and a grill...and this neat little outdoor "bed".He got all set up, put a fan pointed right at his bed, got in and took a nap...

Later in the day, Wayne took a bike ride down to our camper..We have a little air compressor and he needed his tires pumped up. Here are the "boys" working on Wayne's bike..

Speaking of bikes, my 1966 Schwinn died a few days ago. Den and I went for a bike ride and I told him my tires felt low...so low I had to walk it up a small hill, which I have never had to do before..It felt like it was riding goofy, but Dennis said it was me, and he would pump my tires up later...( he never believes me). We got back and I put it in our shelter and went inside. Later that afternoon, he got my bike out to pump up the tires, and , LO AND BEHOLD..NO WONDER I FELT IT WAS RIDING FUNNY..THE WHOLE DAMN RUBBER WAS PEELING OFF THE TIRE!! (I just love it when I am right). Sooooo...no more Schwinn for Donna. I think Den should restore it for me when we get home, it is a classic, after all.
We have enjoyed feeding the birds here, however it has been a huge challenge to keep the squirrel out of our feeders. He manages to get into them no matter how long Den makes the wire to hang them on. We have tons of Cardinals and chickadees..also Hummingbirds. This morning the wind was so strong that Den took down all of the feeders but the Hummingbird feeder. It seemed all we were doing was feeding the squirrel or else the wind was whipping the feeders so badly that they dumped the seed on the ground..We thought we had the squirrel fooled until we saw this out our window...

We sure have enjoyed seeing Wayne and Ronae one last time before we all part again to head further North. They host a state park the beginning of May in waaaaay Northern Minnesota, called Lake Bronson. It is almost to Fargo, North Dakota..Here is one more photo of our good friends...

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