Hello from Lake Georgetown, TX...We arrived here yesterday (Wed.) about 11:30AM and found a great spot high on a bluff overlooking the lake..I thought it felt familiar and after checking my log I found we were in the exact same spot last year. A little "old timer's disease" kicking in. Now I know why we liked this spot!

We overlook the lake, sitting high on one of the bluffs which has limestone cliffs. Right across the lake from our campground is another Army Corps campground. It is lucky we had made reservations...they tell us they are booked up this weekend.
I took a few photos to show how nice it is here.

This one is a view from our back window.

I was glad to be back in the trees,(some might say I've had my head in the trees for years), so I had Den help me hang a million bird feeders. It took the birds about 24 hours to find the feeders....and one black squirrel about 5 minutes!!

This is an integrated campground with black and red squirrels..I haven't see a black squirrel since we were up in Niagra Falls. I do know there are some armadillos here in the park too. They are sooo cute. They look like little armored cars with tails and no guns.
We love this area because you can gather firewood and it is mostly Cedar..The smell of a Cedar fire in the evening is heaven. I told Dennis to save some to carry home to our fire pit on our deck and burn our crappy Illinois wood here.
Today was cloudy and humid and we needed a few items so I suggested driving about 5 miles into Georgetown to do some "shopping". Dennis grimaced visually, but he figured if he went along he could monitor my spending..NOT! We had a gift card from Target that we got from our kids for our anniversary we wanted to use and I also had a gift card for Kohl's and needed new walking shoes. I have worn 3 blisters on my feet wearing my old ones..there is almost no sole left. We walk 2 miles every day but Sunday..This isn't so much to be healthy, but so we can justify our evening cocktails and late night meals.
We used part of the Target card to replace some rope lights we use for night lighting around the camper. I also got a mini food processor to use in the camper.
I drug Dennis through Hobby Lobby,(he was a Hobby Lobby virgin), Tractor Supply, WalMart, HEB, Kohl's,Pier I(another virginal voyage for Den), and Target. He is plumb wore out. Men just can't do it. I told him it takes years of practice!
Well, right now it is about 3PM and the sun is coming out. Tomorrow it is suppose to be 90 degrees here and sunny. We haven't run our air yet, but it could happen tomorrow if there isn't a breeze..mind you..I am NOT complaining about hot weather!!
We will be here one week then off to Texarkana, which is in the Northeast corner of Texas and further North...I start getting crabby when the camper turns North..but, we won't venture into Illinois until we are sure it is spring!! More later...
ReplyDeleteJust me. I love this blog thing. I come here every day. The pictures are great. I put the one of that bird that looks like a crane or a heron on for wallpaper.
Later Gator