The town of Fisher is population about 20 and I took a photo of the post office, such as it is called. I never actually SAW the delivery donkeys pull up, but I suspect they were out back eating hay.
After we left Fischer, we drove into the town of Sattler, where we do our laundry. We were not there for laundry, however, but to check the local Ace Hardware to see what they had for wire for Dennis's little project of windspinners...I mentioned them in our last blog. We now have sharp edged cut up beer and pop cans of assorted colors and sizes jammed in every cubby hole in this rig. To finalize his projects we now need to find some galvanized steel wire..OK..the kind they use for electric fences. So we are on a mission now. Den checked out the hardware store and yes, they had some, but he thought them too expensive. Hmmmm...He knows they have it at the Tractor Supply store in New Braunfels and we go into New Braunfels for groceries tomorrow, so I see another possible stop in our future.

To make sure our trip to Sattler wasn't a complete waste of time, we had to stop at the local VFW for a cocktail.(See photo) We have been here before and it is a great little place full of local people..The only problem I have with it is that you have to slice through the smoke to find the bar. They only serve beer and wine, but you can bring in your liquor of choice and they give you set ups...I, for one, am content with a glass of wine, and of course Dennis doesn't know a beer he doesn't like.
We struck up a conversation with a man and his wife seated next to us who lived on what they call the "River Road", which follows the Guadalupe River to New Braunfels. He was a "good ol boy" who had retired from the local Fire Dept. after 30 years. He also mentioned that he owned an old firetruck and about 10 other vehicles in various stages of repair. Oh, yes, I think we have driven by his house on River Road..the one looking similar to Yingling's on Rt. 34 at home..but, he was great fun to talk to and we always seem to meet characters. He probably left thinking HE had met some real characters...which he had!!

I had to take a picture or two of this pop up camper parked next to us...What an ingenious invention...A Pop Up Camper with a built in porch!! I'm sure the guy jury rigged this "little piece of heaven" himself, and I , for one, was jealous!! He should make em and sell em...ONLY IN TEXAS!!

We leave for Georgetown on Wednesday and I will blog more from there, unless I find more "fodder for my folly" and can't resist sharing it...Later...The Campin Caves
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