Well, we asked for warmer weather and be careful what you ask for. I have a feeling there is no sympathy for this hot weather from all of you stuck in "the great white North".It started warming up last week and hit it's crescendo today. As you could see, there are no big trees to sit under..this, my friends, is HOT! The natives say the ol', "if you think this is hot, visit here in July"...hmmmm ..I think NOT!! The older I get, the "flashier" I get, which leads to heat, which makes me crabby...I think I would murder Dennis if I had to live in this stuff.

Last Saturday we walked up to the Rec Hall for breakfast...Den took my picture. This was BEFORE we were wearing shorts and tanks. We have never eaten at the Rec Hall, and on Saturdays they serve "all you can eat" biscuits and gravy for $3.00, and "all you can eat" pancakes for the same price..we had the B's & G's and they were great!!! Den even went back for more, even though his arteries were screaming "NO! NO!" We have never had any food there before and it was very good, not to mention convenient..we walked there and back.
We have become quite the social butterflies in the evening, so it seems. Every time we get ready to cook, someone wanders by and stops to visit. Last night it was our mousecatching friend, Harold and his wife, Judy, from Minnesota.(almost everyone down here is from Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Canada..cold parts of the US). We all chatted about where we are going when we leave here. We made reservations at Goose Island State Park for Feb 13th, in Rockport, TX, just North of Corpus Cristi on the bay. We will be there 2 weeks, and in that period of time Chris, our youngest, and her friend, Sandi, are flying into San Antonio, renting a car and coming to stay with us a night. They are only sleeping with us one night and hoteling it the other...I think one night with the elderly "weather channel" parents is all they can take. We are looking forward to partying with them..if they don't kill us in the process. We just can't keep up.
We had entertained thoughts of crossing into Mexico, but there have been some scarey incidents recently with Mexican Drug gangs and the Border Patrol, so we decided we would continue with our calm, uneventful life, on this side of the border. We are, however, driving into Roma Saturday to see some "touristy" sights. They have an old historical section of town which has some very old buildings. They filmed the movie "Viva Zapata" here..I will post some pictures. Roma is a town of 10,000 people on the Rio Grande. They have a very old suspension bridge which use to be used to cross into Mexico, but now they built a new one. The old one is still there, not used, with grass growing up through the cracks. No reason to repair.

This state park is only about 3miles from the Falcon International Bridge, which I have pictured here. We entertained thoughts of riding our bikes across,(it is a free bridge) and into the small town on the other side. I asked the lovely Mexican Park Ranger at the headquarters if that was a possible idea. I had heard of other people who are camping here having done it. He said,"Welllll, I don't know"..I said, "Would YOU do it?" He replied "You know, there eeez noooo shoulder beside of thee road.." I asked him again, "But, would YOU ride a bike over there?" and he smiled and said, "Oh..they do not drive good over there. You can do it you want, but I would not". Let's just say that if a Mexican Park Ranger wouldn't ride his bike into Mexico, then I sure as H... am not gonna ride my old rusty Schwinn, which screams GRINGO to the banditos!!

We usually sit outside in the evenings, waiting for wildlife to come alive. I am on a mission to photograph a Roadrunner...seems every time I see one, either I don't have my camera, or he is moving too fast for me..Yes, they actually do run on the road. I did manage to get one "on the move"...it isn't very good. They are much cuter in real life.

Among some of the more docile visitors to our campsite in the evenings is this visitor. She came out of the brush looking for corn. You could just bearly see her baby waiting in the underbrush, too afraid to venture out into the open. I managed to get a picture off as it was getting dusk.
As you can see, we are not in need of too much entertainment here. Just enjoying the warm and NO SNOW!!. Will post more later, friends.
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