We started our day with a Bloody Mary and breakfast casserole cooked in the Dutch Oven, accompanied by Ronae's great "sticky" buns. Dennis was our casserole chef and it was a real party. The day started with rain and cool, but the rain stopped so we could set up our cookout and it didn't start raining until we were all full and ready for a nap. This was our first time to try our new Dutch Oven and it turned our great!! Our new friends from Wisconsin and our old friends from Minnesota provided the Bloody Marys....what a great time we had. We will miss the commradery we have found here, but we are on to new places tomorrow. We are going to Falcon Lake State Park, which, on your Atlas, is just North of Roma Texas, on the Rio Grande.
Falcon Lake is a great place to spot some exotic birds that we from the midwest never get to see, such as Green Jays. Also it is home to some really nasty looking Javelina that stroll thru the campfire in the evening. We will stay there for about 2 weeks or more. As a rule it is usually warmer down there, and we are hoping for some really nice sunshine. Soooooo..it's "on the road again" tomorrow..more later.