Today is Sunday,and the weather is cooperating, so Dennis decided to cook our breakfast outside. The sun was out early, but now it has clouded over. It is about 63 degrees, so I won't complain. We have been walking, riding our bikes, reading, and doing Sudoku and crossword puzzles....We're going to have to slow down on our activities.
Yesterday we took a "walkabout", which means we made a pass around the campers to see what newcomers had arrived. We ran into Harold from Minnesota and his wife, who were here last year. Harold is a nice German fellow who is a mouse catcher...by that I mean that last year he informed us he had mice chewing into the firewall of his car, so he proceeded to set mousetraps in his engine. He said he caught about 40 mice...lovely. We ARE in the land of snakes, you would think they could at least do their job. We also met another couple that we have seen here before. They are from Wisconsin, but we don't hold that against them,,,joke. They have a big Discover America 5th wheel. For those who don't know, Discover America is a step or two above our HitchHiker...pretty nice. They also travel with 2 kayaks strapped to the top of their truck. We stood and visited with them a while and then came back to our little abode to sit outside, listen to our I-Tunes and have a cocktail. (Den has rigged a way to transmit our "I-tunes" CD's we have loaded into our laptop so that we can play them through our surround sound speakers...Now THIS is CAMPING!! I have turkey wings in a beer, orange, lemon and lime juice brine with kosher salt...we will cook them tonight on our charcoal grill....did I just say "WE"??..correction...Den will cook them...I just prepare.. then sit with my glass of wine and watch the magic.
I am putting a few photos on for your enjoyment..The weird looking bird is called a Green Jay, and they are in the South Texas/Mexico area..I love the colors of them..they were here at our campsite for about 1 hour last Wednesday... Den took a photo, and we haven't seen one since...Maybe they went shopping for shoes to match their outfits..at any rate, I sure hope they remember the great lunch we provided them.
Well, time to go and read some more of my book...you really ought to try this life...it ain't half bad!! Cave People
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