I gotta tell ya that I have been chasing ducks around the campground for a few days and am even starting to LOOK like Elmer Fudd..It seems that I have had goose and duck encounters with extremely strange looking water fowl on this winter's trip, and this strange pair have been quacking around the campground for a few days. I tried to sneak up on them a few days ago and mostly succeeded at making a fool of myself..I really wanted a photo of them cause they are really cool looking.
Well, lo and behold, when we pulled into our campsite this morning with our clean laundry, who was quacking around our RV????...Mr. and Mrs. Weird Duck..and a few bucks, too, as a bonus. I told Den to quick throw out some corn to "lure" them closer as I almost fell up the steps to grab my camera before they did the old "eat and run" scam.
I couldn't believe my good luck...They were creeping closer and dining with 3 bucks..wait a minute....not $3.00, but 3 actual bucks, as in deer. So I took a few photos which I shall now share with you.

Here are these dudes closer up...well, I'm not sure, but I think they are "a pair" ...not that there's anything wrong with that..to each duck his own duck...

After my big photo session, Dennis set to the dreaded "tank dumping" task and I went inside to get my crockpot loaded up with a beef roast, potatoes and mushrooms for dinner. So now think my thermometer outside is broken...it hasn't moved off 32 degrees since we got up. Somehow walking isn't quite as attractive in this weather.
Tonight I invited our friends Wayne and Ronae, along with our new friends, Lowell and Carol, for a few cocktails by the fireplace INSIDE...I'm sure glad we have that thing and I think our friends are too.
Well, I have procrastinated the walk long enough.."don we now our gay apparell"...or whatever...and do the 2 miles...
Ok, we made it back without incident. Dennis decided to take his GPS with and see exactly how far we really do walk. It turns our we are walking 2.29 miles..does that allow me more beef and potatoes tonight cause I plan on hogging out on it.
We are all snug back in our RV until our company comes over later. I will take a couple photos of our little group...that is IF we are not having tooo good of a time. I don't know what the capacity load for drinking adults is for this size RV, but I somehow think 6 of us all trying to crowd around our fireplace will max it out.
Today is Tuesday, the 23rd..and here are the pictures from our little party last night...
This first one is Dennis and Wayne..

Here is (left to right)Wayne, Lowell, Ronae, Me and Carol..

And, last but not least..The Three Road Warriors. We are the ones who read the maps, watch the road signs and tell our drivers where to go...frequently!!

Party was good..we didn't get too wild for a group of old farts...
Here are a couple photos of our little cocktail party . ..Don't feel tooooooo sorry for us... As you can see we are easlily entertained.....Later!
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