After Dennis backed the RV into our spot, with me giving him handsigns that weren't always pleasant, we unhooked from the truck and went inside to dry off. Realizing that the rain was not going to let up anytime soon, Den put on the rain poncho and proceeded to go out and set up our TV dish and our internet satellite. Just about the time he was through, it quit raining...of course!
Here is a photo of the view of Lake Georgetown we are enjoying...lots of limestone cliffs around here and the ground is all rock under the little grass....

This area if VERY rocky and I spent about an hour yesterday being a rock "hound"..there are so many. There are even a ton of them back into the woods. The woods here are made up mostly of Mountain Cedar. Here is a look into the woods...

The tree roots on this cliff we are parked on have almost nowhere to go, so they grow on top of the in this photo I took just behind our camper....

This is a unique looking Cedar tree..I loved the bark on it...and boy, does it smell good when you burn it...if we could burn...We are again under a burning ban....

The wild flowers are all in bloom here now, too. Here is a little patch up on the cliff behind us...

You know how I love taking picture of birds and flowers...well, when we went for a our morning walk Wednesday, I noticed little tiny dragonfly-like critters buzzing past us ....Well, what I thought were dragonflies turned out to be Hummingbirds (to my glee). I hung out my hummingbird feeder right away when we got back and within an hour I had my first hummingbird..I tried to get a picture, but our weather was really cloudy and they didn't turn out, so I promise to get one soon and post it. I did get a neat shot of one of the pretty pink wildflowers here in the park....

I have to mention our little weather scare on Wednesday evening. We keep a check on the weather and have a weather radio. We also bring up the local radar on our computer and local TV (if we can get it, which we can here). They were calling for possible severe storms Wed. evening and Den was watching the radar screen going from green to red to purple just West of us about 1 hour. We also were watching Austin local weather, which they keep on continually when there is severe weather heading their way...(We are about 25 miles North of Austin). I was just fine until they notice rotation in the storm..and 2 inch hail. Now, I know when I am home to just go to the basement...but go to the shower house..You DO NOT ride out a tornaado in your RV. It got really air moving ....and this is the shot I took out of our back door just before we got in our truck and drove up to the shower house....

We sat outside the shower house in our truck,waiting for a reason to get out and go in..but the wind settled down...and it started raining...We looked at each other and decided it wasn't bad enough to sit on inside shower house, so we drove back to our camper..We watched the radar for the next hour and there was a funnel cloud sighted South of us..We got some hail, but not as big as Austin..It looked like snow when we saw it on TV...But, we were lucky and didn't get much but some wind, rain and a little hail here. I must say though, that is the only drawback of doing Texas in the spring...especially Central Texas!
We are going to go into Georgetown Square on Saturday for a town garage sale/flea market. Georgetown is like most small Texas old historic courthouse and a town square. I will take my camera...the architecture here is really neat!!! Later...
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