Hello from Grenada Lake Mississippi..We arrived here yesterday afternoon about 2PM but it took us until about 3PM to find a campsite with enough view of the South sky to set up our internet satellite AND our TV satellite. We are very deep into the woods made up of tall pines and oak trees. We are waaaay too technical for camping, but also very spoiled. We actually don't even set up the computer satellite if we are only staying overnight.
We are here until Sunday. We tried to get into Natchez MS State Park for Thanksgiving, but apparently that is the last big camping weekend of the deep South,and it was full of Mississippians.( did I just make that word up?), so we opted to settle here for 5 nights and relax.
I put up my little tinsel tree and did some decorating for the holidays. It gets pretty damn chilly at night, 33 degrees, but warms up to about 60 during the day. They are cutting a lot of pine trees just down our road..We took our walk this AM and watched (from a distance) as they used a neat machine called a tree harvester. At least that's what my tour guide, Dennis, said it was called. Sometimes I think he just makes shit up to make me think he knows everything. At any rate it had a big vertical claw that grabbed the tree trunk, then a saw cut it off about 1 foot from the ground. That machine could haul about 3 trees at a time..and then drop them all at once. I really didn't want to get too close as they crashed through the forest, but it was very cool.This photo is NOT that machine..By the time I went back with my camera, they were done with that one and using,(according to my tour guide), a Log Skidder.

We are going into Grenada Saturday to do some laundry,go to WalMart, and get some fuel. So far the least we have paid for diesel is $2.39 a gallon..much better than Illinois. Then we will leave here Sunday AM for Natchez MS State Park for 3 nites..I plan on doing some touristy sightseeing in Natchez next Monday and will blog my experiences.

Right now Dennis is using his little electric chain saw and getting ready for our campfire.
It was about 60 degrees today and tomorrow will get to 65. Our Thanksgiving Dinner will be grilled cornish hens, mashed taters with Campbell's wonderful turkey gravy(yes, I AM cheating), stove top whole wheat stuffing(more cheating), canned corn(yet, one more short cut), salad, and the grand finale.....mini Snickers (left over from Halloween) for dessert> Of course, all of this will be preceded by lots of wine and beer!!

I will close now with one more photo...of our bedroom dresser here in the RV

...note the wonderful pictures of all 4 of our grandchildren!! More later!
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